Friday 10th – Sunday 12th January 2025

Following feedback from the previous New Year Regatta, there are several new initiatives for the 2025 edition.
- In each division there will be (fleets) with results and recognition for the following
- Club Handicap (format that used in the past) (Re calculated using NHC1 after each race)
- PHRF Handicap (New initiative from regatta feedback)
- Two handed entries based using Club Handicap (Re calculated using NHC1 after each race) (New initiative from regatta feedback)
- Line Honours (Has been used in the past)
- 2 boats will constitute a fleet within the division
A boat can choose what fleets they would like to compete in within their division, example for a two-handed entry you can also enter the PHRF, Line Honours and Club handicap crewed. Theoretically you could win all 4 fleets in your division, but unlikely.
- Following last years feedback club handicap will be re calculated after each race
- PHRF is the National Handicapping system, simple to get a handicap for your boat. If it is your first PHRF as the owner of the boat, it is free, Yachting NZ will not charge you for this certificate. If not your first there is a small cost. Details at
- Feed back from the last events indicated that skippers sometimes have challenges finding crew for the event and this is a barrier to entering. From previous feedback and requests to run a 2 handed entry, this year 2 handed will be included as a fleet within a division.
- PHRF is a national performance handicapping system for keelboats, sports and trailer boats, designed to facilitate open and fair competition between boats, in particular when boats from different clubs come together. It requires a number of boat measurements to be submitted, and an independent national handicap committee will allocate a number of handicap categories for12 months for your boat.
- In appreciation for those that have never had a PHRF for their yacht, Yachting New Zealand if offering the first PHRF FREE. If you require assistance with the process, or the data required please contact
- Entry Fee.
- $90, and this allows you to enter multiple fleets within your division. Late fee from 21 December is $140.
- Friday night around the buoys race, counts in the series.
- This year the Waikawa Boating Club is introducing some sprint races to the event for Division 1 and Division 2. These are short and targeted at 30minute race time. A simple windward leeward course with a separate finish.
- The scheduled regatta series will be made up with
- Div 1 & Div 2
- 1 Longer Harbor Races
- 2 Short Sprint Races
- 5 Round the Buoys Races
- Div 3 & Div 4
- 2 Longer Harbor Races
- 2 Shorter Harbor Races
- 2 Round the Buoys Races
- Div 1 & Div 2
- Entry this year.
- There is only one boat entry including crew $90
- Crew will need to enter their details (for our H&S and Risk Management) but crews will not need to pay an additional fee.
- It is a requirement that all participants, skipper and all crew are a financial member of a yacht club affiliated to Yachting New Zealand. WBC may check this information.
- Members of Yachting New Zealand affiliated clubs, other than Waikawa Boating Club, after completing the online registration process will be afforded the privileges of temporary membership of the club, for the duration of the event.
New Year Regatta
10th to 12th January 2025
Totaranui/Queen Charlotte Sound
The Organising Authority is the Waikawa Boating Club (Inc)
PO Box 52, PICTON 7250
+64 3 573 6798
For further information please contact the Regatta Organiser
1.1 The regatta will be governed under the current Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS).
1.2 The Yachting New Zealand (YNZ) Safety regulations part II category 5 shall apply to all keel boats.
1.3 The YNZ safety regulations part V category B shall apply to all trailer yachts.
1.4 The YNZ safety regulation’s part VI Category B shall apply to all sports boats.
1.5 Appendix T, Arbitration will apply.
1.6 Should there be any conflict between the Notice of Race (NOR) and the Sailing Instructions (SIs) the SIs shall prevail. This changes RRS 63.7.
1.7 The racing Rules:
- Yachts with movable ballast, in the form of canting keel or water ballast may move that ballast to increase or decrease weight, or to change trim and stability. This changes RRS 51. RRS 52 shall not apply to the adjustment of canting keel or water ballast.
- Powered winches either electric or hydraulic are permitted. This changes RRS 52.
- Sports Boats and Trailer yachts – Category B Rule 12 will be changed to read, Outboard motors must be carried and stowed so that they can be used within a maximum of 5 minutes.
1.8 Marlborough district Bylaws dictating the proximity to vessels over 500 Tonnes
2.1 The regatta is open to all keel boats, sports boats, trailer yachts and sports trailer yachts.
2.2 Divisions:
- Division 1 racing division for yachts with spinnakers
- Division 2 racing division for yachts with spinnakers
- Division 3 long harbour courses for yachts without spinnakers (as per 2.6).
- Division 4 long harbour courses for yachts with spinnakers
- For Division 1 and Division 2 the organising authority will allocate a division based on a handicap divider to ensure fair competition in a division. Division allocations will be available on the Waikawa Boating Club Website from the 8th of January 2025.
- Four yachts will constitute a division, two yachts will constitute a fleet within a division.
- Divisions 1, 2 inc Trailer Yachts are referred to as Racing Divisions in the NOR
- Division 3 and 4 are referred to as Harbour Division in the NOR
2.3 Entries and payment of entry fees will be accepted on-line through the regatta webpage
2.4 Boat/Skipper and Crew $90 early bird
Crew will need to complete an entry form to take part (but no fee associated)
Early Bird rates close on Friday 20th December 2024 .
Entries received after the Friday 20th December2024 will be at the rate of $140 for boat, skipper.
All entries close on Friday 3rd Jan 2025. Any entries after this date are accepted at the race committee’s discretion.
Entries via the web site, New Year Regatta 2025 using Sporty. (all crew and skippers must complete register).
2.5 Financial Members of Yachting New Zealand affiliated clubs, other than Waikawa Boating Club, after completing the online registration process will be afforded the privileges of temporary membership of the club for the duration of the event.
2.6 DIVISION 3: The only sails that are permitted are normal upwind sails that shall be attached in the same manner as if the yacht were sailing to windward. Headsails must be attached to a permanent load bearing forestay with only one headsail per forestay. Headsails may be held out with a spinnaker or jockey pole as long as the pole is attached to the mast.
3.1 Registration:
Day | Date | From | To |
Friday | 10th | 1200hr | 1800hr |
3.2 Regatta briefings
Day | Date | Time | Location |
Friday | 10th | 1630 | WBC Wardroom |
3.3 Number of races:
Division | Total Number Scheduled | 10th Races Scheduled | 11th Races Scheduled | 12th Races Scheduled | Races per day maximum |
Div1 | 8 | 1 | 4 | 3 | 5 |
Div 2 | 8 | 1 | 4 | 3 | 5 |
Div 3 | 6 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 4 |
Div 3 | 6 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 4 |
3.4 The regatta will be made up with a mixture of
- Long harbour races (LH)
- Round the buoys racing (RTC)
- Sprint races (SR)
Division | Total number Races Scheduled | Long Harbour Race / s | Round the Cans /Short Harbour | Sprint Race |
Div1 | 8 | 1 | 5 | 2 |
Div 2 | 8 | 1 | 5 | 2 |
Div 3 | 6 | 2 | 4 | N/A |
Div 3 | 6 | 2 | 4 | N/A |
3.5 Scheduled First Warning Signal
Day | Date | Div 1 | Div 2 | Div 3 | Div 4 |
Friday | 10th | 1750 | 1755 | 1800 | 1805 |
Saturday | 11th | 1020 | 1025 | 1030 | 1035 |
Sunday | 12th | 1020 | 1025 | 1030 | 1035 |
3.6 Target and time limits
Division | Target Time | Finish Window | Time Limit |
Long Harbour Race / s | 120m | 45m | 165m |
Round the Buoys | 60m | 30m | 90m |
Short Harbour | 80m | 45m | 125m |
Sprint Races | 30m | 15m | 45m |
3.7 No race shall start after 1530hrs on Sunday 12 January 2025.
Friday 10th January 2025 (Regatta Day 1)
Regatta Day 1 Prize giving to be held at approx 2030hrs at Waikawa Boating Club
Saturday 11th January (Regatta Day 2)
Regatta Day 2 prize giving 1800hrs at Waikawa Boating Club
Entertainment and BBQ at the club (ticket sales at registation)
Sunday 12th January (Regatta Day 3)
Regatta Day 3 prize giving 1730hrs at Waikawa Boating Club.
Refreshments and food available at the club.
4.1 The sailing instructions will be available at registration from 1300hrs Friday 10th January 2025 as well as on the Waikawa Boating Club notice board and website
5.1 The courses for the Racing Divisions will be held in the inner Queen Charlotte Sound. The courses for the Racing Divisions will be a variety of trapezoidal, triangular or windward/leeward courses, and may include 1 harbour course, if time permits.
5.2 The Harbour Division courses may be throughout Queen Charlotte Sound.
5.3 The Race Officer has absolute discretion to alter courses, finish line and divisional start sequence. The course card provided is an indication only, other marks may be laid or used if more suitable to conditions. Any changes will be broadcast over VHF Channel 77 either prior to or during the race. It is the responsibility of the competitor to ensure their radio is in good working order.
6.1 The Low-points scoring system of Appendix A of the RRS will apply, Sailwave will be used for scoring and results.
6.2 Racing Divisions,
(a) When fewer than 5 races have been completed, a boat’s series score is the total of her race scores.
(b) When from 5 to 7 races have been completed, a boat’s series score is the total of her race scores excluding her worst score.
(c) When 8 or more races have been completed, a boat’s series score is the total of her race scores excluding her two worst scores.
6.3 Harbour Divisions,
(a) When fewer than 5 races have been completed, a boat’s series score is the total of her race scores.
(b) When 5 or more races have been completed, a boat’s series score is the total of her race scores excluding her one worst scores.
7.1 All yachts shall race in the same condition and carry the same equipment on-board as at the time her handicap was established.
7.2 All yachts using the club handicap system, will be handicapped by the Waikawa Boating Club official handicappers and these handicaps will be available at the Waikawa Boating Club on Wednesday 8th January 2025 or during registration, or for late entrants, prior to the warning signal for Race 1.
7.3 A boats club handicap will be recalculated during the regatta after every race using sailwave NCH1.
7.4 Boats entering the PHRF fleets will be handicapped using Inshore rating for crewed yachts and shorthanded for two handed yachts.
7.4 The handicapper’s decision will be final.
8.1 There will be prizes awarded for racing during the regatta.
8.2 Prizes may be awarded on handicap and line honours for each division / fleet in the Waikawa Boating Club Wardroom at the end of each day’s racing.
8.3 Spot prizes may be awarded on the Friday and Saturday evenings following prize giving in the clubhouse.
8.4 An overall prize giving for the New Year Regatta will be held in the Wardroom at the completion of racing on 12th January 2025.
9.1 For protests where only a rule of Part 2 is alleged to have been broken, Appendix T will apply.
10.1 Team support boats will be allowed.
10.2 Support boats must be registered with the Organising Authority at registration.
In the first instance competitors should contact Marlborough Sounds Marinas for a berth.
12.1 All competing yachts and support boats must have a marine VHF transceiver with enough battery capacity to be still fully operational at the end of each day.
13.1 All competing vessels are required to carry a minimum of 3rd party insurance for racing of $2 million. Insurance is a requirement if berthing in the Waikawa or Picton Marinas.
14.1 Although the Waikawa Boating Club and its volunteers do everything they can to ensure the safety of the competitors, all competitors participate entirely at their own risk and responsibility. See Rule 3, Decision to Race in the RRS.
14.2 The Waikawa Boating Club is not responsible for the seaworthiness of a yacht whose entry is accepted and/or the sufficiency and/or adequacy of its equipment, or the competence of its skipper or crew.
14.3 The organising authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during or after the series.
14.4 Skippers and crew are reminded about their responsibilities on the water when it comes to the consumption of alcohol and the disposal of rubbish.

Your invitation to Waikawa Boating Club
2025 New Year Regatta
The New Year Regatta could be considered to be the foundation event for the Waikawa Boating Club, with the event first held in 1948. The event has grown from those days to be the biggest event on the club’s calendar and a major draw for boats from around New Zealand.
Friday 10th
12.00pm Registration open for Regatta.
16.00 Briefing for Regatta
17.50 Racing starts, Race 1
19.30pm Dinner available; bookings recommended
20.30pm Prize giving for Regatta Race 1
Saturday 11th
08.00 Breakfast at the club; bookings recommended
10.30 Racing starts
18.00 Prize Giving for the Regatta Day 2 Racing
18.45 BBQ and Entertainment at the club.
Sunday 12th
8.00am Breakfast at the club; bookings recommended
10.30am Racing starts
17.30pm Prize Giving for the Regatta and Overall Regatta Results
at the clubhouse and farewell
Bar Open with light snacks available
Note; all times are approximate to allow for late winds.
Waikawa Accommodation Options
Within walking distance to the Waikawa Boating Club
Parklands Marina Holiday Park
Beach Road, Waikawa
Waikawa Bay Holiday Park
Waimarama Street, Waikawa
Bay Vista Waterfront Motel
303-307 Waikawa Road, Picton 7220
For other nearby accommodation options, we recommend contacting:
Picton i-SITE Visitor Centre
Waikawa/Picton Shuttle Options
Waikawa Shuttle
0800 9 245 292
Kiwi Holiday Tours and Shuttle
Sherri Smith
Pharmacy Picton
Picton Health Care Pharmacy
6 High Street, Picton
+64 3 573 6420
Mon-Fri 8.30am-5.30pm
Sat 9.00am-2.00pm
CLOSED Sundays
Picton Supermarket
FreshChoice Picton (can deliver)
100 High Street, Picton
+64 3 573 6463
Mon-Sun 7.00am-9.00pm