Waikawa Boating Club, Pelorus Boating Club and Mana Cruising Club (WPM) jointly hold and manage moorings in Queen Charlotte Sound. Outward Bound Trust of New Zealand (OBNZ) also hold moorings in Queen Charlotte Sound. WPM and OBNZ (the parties) agree that each party can use the other’s moorings subject to the following conditions:
1. Each party is responsible for maintaining its own moorings to the standards required of their resource consents for their moorings.
2. WPM members and OBNZ acknowledge that they use the moorings at their own risk in all respects. Neither the Club(s) nor any officer of the Club(s) or OBNZ or any officer of OBNZ is liable on any grounds whatsoever for any loss, damage, cost or expense arising from or incidental to any use of such mooring.
3. In the event that a member of WPM wishes to use a WPM mooring but it is occupied by OBNZ, then OBNZ must vacate that mooring on request.
4. In the event that OBNZ wishes to use an OBNZ mooring but it is occupied by a WPM member, then the WPM member must vacate that mooring on request.
5. A list of WPM Queen Charlotte Sound moorings shall be provided to OBNZ and updated on request by OBNZ.
6. A list of OBNZ moorings shall be provided to Waikawa Boating Club as representative of WPM.
7. The member clubs of WPM shall have the permission to advertise to their members that the OBNZ moorings are available for use by club members on the terms above.
In addition to the above agreement WPM members are advised that the OBNZ moorings all have a 2 tonne mooring block therefore only one boat is able to use the mooring at any one time – absolutely no rafting up. The moorings are situated in these bays and are clearly identified with the OBNZ tag:
The new Moorings map is updated with all the new moorings as at 1 December 2016